Thursday, February 11, 2010


What if you could sell your home faster and for more money? What if your home could be the one buyers are making a full-price offer for? At Simply Staged we know selling your home can be a stressful time. Let us take some of that stress by showing the best features of your home, using many of the items you already own. You will be amazed at how much return you get just by repositioning furniture, neutralizing paint color, and simplifying!

We are excited and passionate about the art of home staging, and we know that it works! More and more homeowners and realtors are turning to home staging for that very reason. Who wants to sit with their house on the market for months, especially in today's economy. Let us help you sell faster!

Please visit our website with any questions you may have. We look forward to hearing from you!

If you are interested in ideas on redesign, I would love to speak with you also! I will have a post on that tomorrow.


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